Cutting Company Costs with Clean Code

By Mostafa Shawki, Software DeveloperFeb 28, 2020Read time 4 min

Learning to write clean code is hard work. It requires more than just the knowledge of principles and patterns. Taking decisions is difficult, but at the end of the day, when you are a developer, clean code is a proof of expertise and proficient delivery. If you are a business, relying on clean code will make your business more agile and will save you unnecessary costs in the long run. Here’s why.

What is dirty code, and why is it so expensive?

Before learning what clean code means, we need an idea of what dirty code is. Dirty code usually happens when a developer or a team is trying to code fast and add new features quickly without considering the code quality. The binomial clean vs. dirty comes from the idea that the code can be “cleaned up later” which often doesn’t happen.

One of the negative consequences of fast coding or dirty code is that it often comes at a high cost. The code can function, but in the long run, it can entail countless hours of fixing, refactoring, or spending on resources, especially when it has been poorly written or has become messy. Let’s put forth an example: imagine a team trying to add a new feature. If this new feature breaks two or three other features in the application, you –and if you have one, your team– have a problem. The outcome is that eventually, you’ll have to rewrite it, forcing your business to invest extra capital on it and your developers to sweat it out.

What is clean code, and why is it so effective?

Clean code makes your code logic straightforward. It’s easy to maintain by other developers regardless of its original author. It should be modular, having every part implemented to do one function, and containing no duplication. When using entities like classes or functions, the code should be limited and short.

If all these points are considered, it will be very easy for any new developer to be on board and to maintain an application smoothly, which in the long run is going to spare any business or owner extra costs. In this sense, the “KISS” concept stands: “Keep It Simple Stupid”. How can we implement it? Here are some tips.

6 tips to write clean code

1. Make your code readable. Techniques such as whitespace, line breaks, indentation and empty lines are easy to implement and they make a difference. You can also use tools like “Prettier” for help.

2. Functions, Classes, Objects. The Single Responsibility Principle (SRP) says that functions, classes and objects have to do one thing and one thing only. If it’s an object you may need to break it into one or more objects; if it’s a function you can use extract method refactoring on it. Don’t forget to implement the “separation of concerns” concept in your code.

Also they should be short and small to make them easy to understand and easy to maintain.

3. The DRY concept: “Don’t repeat yourself” to avoid duplication. Duplication can lead your code to be a mess and make it hard to understand.

4. Be consistent. A good project start is always to begin writing high quality clean code. However, as time passes, you’ll add more features. Usually at this point the code level starts to degrade, so it’s very important to be consistent and never give up your initial standards. On top of this, if for any reason you developed a quick and dirty patch (perhaps a hotfix, or a last-minute requirement), always keep track of this technical debt and reserve some time each sprint to tackle it.

5. Meaningful naming vs. comments. Meaningful names and comments in programming have an inverse relationship, which means the more you have meaningful names in your program, the more you don’t need to add comments explaining what’s going on. In other words, don’t spare time thinking about good naming. Don’t hesitate to use a long name: a long descriptive name is much better than a long comment (remember: good code doesn’t need comments to explain it).

In programming, developers use names for everything (files, folders, variables, functions, classes, etc). You will have to spend some time naming and thinking about naming. Discuss it with your teams and agree to follow similar naming patterns. Remember you can always rename in the future if you find a better meaningful term. A tip: classes and objects should have noun names, and functions should have verb names. Don’t forget to use good conventions to make your names readable.

6. Unit tests. When you write a unit test in your application, you’ve hired a symbolic bodyguard for your business. Without test suites it’s not guaranteed that the addition of a new feature in your application cannot break another feature or part in your application. Having a test suite in our production code is very important and you shouldn’t skip it. By wiring test units with high coverage, you will be more confident to add new features and vice versa. The end result? A more dynamic code with a high level of maintainability.

Saving business costs with clean code

In a nutshell, code craft is not only about writing fancy code. It’s about delivering value in the present that can be sustained in the future. In the past few weeks, the CoVid-19 crisis has forced most companies to enter a saving-costs-mode. Clean code is one of the most obvious ways to do it, because it will deliver a continuous stream of value at the same time it avoids technical debt, which can tower over a business. Do you want to check a practical example? Check our Domain-Driven Design series or our Berlin ecommerce project.