Master the Maze

Wundernut coding challenge Vol.13
Wundernut vol 13 Master the Maze

Can you master your way through the maze?

The 13th edition of Wundernut Coding Challenges is coming in May, and this time we are also challenging AI to the game!

For the first time with two different streams, you can solve the puzzle with a traditional coding solution or AI prompts.

Stay tuned for more information!

Want to join the developer side of the coding challenges?

Do you want to be part of our community of problem-solvers? Do you have ideas for the next Wundernut? Check our careers page and apply now!

An honorary mention to Aleksi Keurulainen, who participated in our previous Wundernut -Wunderdog and the Encrypted Parchment, and submitted his code in the form of this video:

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